because it can be done
with less hassle

There will be hassle anyway. Important is how you deal with the hassle in order to move through and beyond it. We guide individuals and teams in, through and beyond the hassle.

In the business context komen, we come together to create a result. Rarely the hassle occurs on results level: mostly there is a gap between expectations and reality on process or relations level.


training, workshops,
on the job

Applying new insights works best when not one individual but the entire team or department participates simultaneously. That’s why I work as much as possible with team members who work together on daily basis. In addition to training I observe a growing demand for training on the job: having a pair of fresh eyes observing how work is executed, followed by interpreting my observations together.


experiental learning

The most powerful form of learning that I know of, is experiental learning: plan your approach, execute your plan and adjust it, and then reflect on the whole, followed by a new occasion to apply the learnings.

This way of learning has an impact beyond the ratio and – even better – is not limited to training; every day you can plan, execute, reflect, plan, execute, etc.